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SourcePoint Therapy

SourcePoint is a simple, non-invasive method of energy work designed to enhance and expand whatever you are doing at the physical level to support your health.


SourcePoint Therapy focuses on the inherent health in each individual with simple practices that connect us with the Blueprint of health for the human being, that fundamental Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow present in the universal energy field and in our bodies and minds. Working with points and pattern in the energy field, we provide specific methods for awakening that energy in ourselves. Working with energy to release blockages in the body, we facilitate the work of the Blueprint.


Founders Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson developed the approach over a period of 10 years beginning in 1995. They have been teaching it internationally since 2005.


“The growing interest in the field of Energy Medicine indicates a desire for an integral approach to healing, one where the physical body and the human energy field are recognized as aspects of each other, where energy and matter are experienced as one, where the energetic is not neglected in favor of the physical, or vice versa.

“SourcePoint Therapy offers this integral approach. The primary assumption in this work is that there is an energetic template or Blueprint of health for the human body that can be accessed to restore and maintain the health of that body and connect people to their natural state of order, harmony, balance and flow.”
– Bob Schrei



SourcePoint Therapy
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